Friday, August 26, 2016

Week 1 at the MTC

Hey Ya'll!!! 

The MTC is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! My district has become my very best friends. It's amazing how in such a short amount of time I feel so close and have so much love for them. The testimonies of the people of my district have helped to strengthen mine. I feel like I am riding a spiritual high that I hope I never come down from. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and I am equally grateful that all of my loved ones have testimonies of their own. 

I began teaching investigators on my first day, but my companion and I just got our first TRC investigator and it was nerve wracking. The first guy that we taught was super intense and asked the same question over and over. It was a question that Sister Michall and I both didn't know how to answer and provide peace at the same time. We later asked the Elders and they told us exactly what we needed to hear. Our other TCR investigator was a girl named Taylor. She is the cutest. I have never in my life felt the spirit as strong as I did teaching Taylor. It was one of those moments where the spirit was so thick you could feel it in the air. 

So I think that the phrase "make it to Sunday" doesn't apply to me. I did fine until Sunday then I basically cried all day. My companion snapped at me and we had our first tissy, so I was already kind of feeling sad. When we got to class I made the mistake of turning on my camera and looking at the one picture I brought with me from home, a candid shot of Harley. I lost it. Then later I went to a meeting saw Keirsten (friend from home who went into the MTC on the same day). I was so happy to see her today when I was missing my family and my dog, that I again broke down. Then I went to relief society and the lesson was amazing and I kept it together until they showed a video about Christ. I lost it again. You have to understand though, since coming to the MTC and being a representative of Jesus Christ, I feel so close to him, more so than ever before. So ya, I lost it when they showed the video. We later walked to the temple. It was exactly what I needed to regroup. We were silly and fun and spending time with my fun loving group was just what the doctor ordered. After spending all that time outdoors, I got sweaty so I went back to the dorm and washed my face. My face had an allergic reaction or something to my X-out and my face felt like it was on fire. My eyes were watering, my face was flushed, and again it looked like I was crying. We then went to the devotional. The National Tribute Band came (BTW I need every one of their songs for my mission.) I have never felt so much joy listening to music as I did in that moment. Of course, I cried. We then listened to a talk by Elder Bednar, called The Character of Christ. It was life changing! My respect and love for the Savior grew so much and I have a better understanding of Him. Funny enough, I didn't cry. haha. 

I am learning so much, and I get so excited to go to class, it's like institute on steroids!!!!! Oh and I have kept my things organized!!! Also on the note of firsts, I get up every morning at 6:30 and feel energized. The blessings of serving on a mission is true! Another cool thing is the gift of remembering. When I was teaching Taylor, I was able to suddenly quote a scripture word for word! I know that it was through the power of the Holy Ghost that I was able to do it because when I tried to quote the same scripture later, I wasn't able to. Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I love you all so much I would LOVE to hear from you all. My companion has gotten over 20 Dear Elder letters, and its now a joke when they are passing out letters that I am the only one that never gets anything. So please send me Dear Elders! I feel so out of the loop its almost driving my crazy! Also, I would love it if you would send pics so I can have some family Pictures!!!!! 

Love you so much! -Sister Williams 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Welcome to the MTC!

Hello Everyone, 

 Day one in the MTC has truly been amazing. The spirit is so strong and the people are so kind. From the second I was dropped off it was like the welcome wagon was rolled out just for me. I have never heard "welcome to the MTC" more times in my life than I did yesterday. I got my room and I am sharing it with five wonderful girls, three of whom are in my district. My companion, Sister Mitchell, and I got to be really close to another set of companions and we all room together.
   Yesterday was spent going to a million orientations, a gym one, a missionary one, a classroom one. So yesterday flew by and yes, I was exhausted by the end of the day. My favorite part of the day was a group investigator meeting. 100 missionaries sat in a room with one investigator. The room took turns talking just like they would to a real investigator. It was so amazing and I know this is what I need to be doing. By the end of the night I was so happy to jump in the shower and move a bit after being stuffed in a classroom all day. My bed is comfortable, but I miss my pillow. :) 
Got to go, I love you all!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sister Williams

Friday, August 19, 2016

And she's off!

And she's off! So proud of this sister missionary of mine! Love her to pieces!

Saying Goodbye

Our final morning with Emily. Lots of laughter and joy with a few tears at the end. So proud of this daughter of mine!